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S01E18 9


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Why was she hitting you?
I threw a... I threw a book at her.

- Morty!
- It was a paperback.

- Well, even so!
- At least I missed.

I mean, she...
She hit me square in the gut.

- Wanna see the bruise?
- That's OK. That's OK.

- It really hurt.
- Yeah, I understand.


Could you, uh,
just go out and apologize?

- No.
- Why?

-'Cause I don't want her back.
- Morty!

Look, I love her, but the Pancake Shack
is just starting to take off.

We're talking about opening another one.
That's practically a chain.

I don't have time for her hysterics.

I sympathize, I really do.

- But you have to take her back.
- Why?

Because she wants to move in with me.


I'd like to have a relationship again,
and at my age, with a kid,

if she moves into my house,
even for a couple of years, I'm doomed.

Wasn't there a plumber? Your mother
said you were in love with a plumber.

I am. I mean, I was.

- It didn't work out.
- I'm sorry.

If she moves in, she will burn up
all my oxygen and I need it.

Please, can't you give her
another chance?

You guys are really good together,
you know?

When you're... When, when,
when there's no violence.

Well, we do have chemistry.


And, you know, the sex was like... Wow!

I mean, there was this one time,
we were coming home on the interstate...

You don't have to sell me.
Just go talk to her.




That was a mighty big sigh.

I just keep thinking it's coming,
and I can't stop it.

What's that?

The day my mother will need
to move in and I won't have a choice.

I know it's years away.
She's youthful and vibrant, thank God.

But time flies. One day she won't be
able to take care of herself anymore.

- And I'll have to step up.
- [Millie] I suppose that's true.

I think it's nature's little joke,

that children ultimately
end up parenting their parents.

Well, when that day comes,
I'll be ready.

Honey, you'd better get out there.

Stop it! Aaagh!


[Susan] What are you doing?

Porter says he can't catch me!

[Boys continue shouting]


Look, I just wanted to apologize...

Lynette, don't.

The fact that you just crossed
that street means the world to me.

And if anyone here should apologize,
it's me.

Thank you.

[Boys shout]

Looks like Tom's
got the mob under control.

Wanna have some coffee,
sit around, bitch about our kids...?

- I would love to.
- OK.

[Mary Alice] Children come into
the world with their own agendas.

Some to brighten our days.

Some to test our patience.

Some to give us purpose.

Some to take care of us.

Yes, when they come,

children change everything.

Especially when they're not invited.


patience [ˈpeɪʃns] n. 耐性,耐心;忍耐,容忍 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4177}

gut [gʌt] n. 内脏;肠子;剧情;胆量;海峡;勇气;直觉;肠 vt. 取出内脏;摧毁(建筑物等)的内部 adj. 简单的;本质的,根本的;本能的,直觉的 n. (德、俄、意、葡、塞、捷、匈、瑞典)古特(人名);(英)格特(人名) {ky :4297}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

parenting [ˈpeərəntɪŋ] n. 父母对子女的养育 v. 教养(parent的ing形式);做…的父亲或母亲 { :5449}

mighty [ˈmaɪti] adj. 有力的;强有力的;有势力的 adv. 很;极;非常 n. 有势力的人 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :5620}

bitch [bɪtʃ] n. 母狗,母狼;泼妇;牢骚事 n. (Bitch)人名;(法)比奇 vt. 糟蹋;弄糟 vi. 发牢骚 { :5650}

mob [mɒb] n. 暴民,暴徒;民众;乌合之众 vt. 大举包围,围攻;蜂拥进入 vi. 聚众生事,聚众滋事 {cet6 ky :5707}

vibrant [ˈvaɪbrənt] adj. 振动的;充满生气的;响亮的;战栗的 n. (Vibrant)人名;(德)维布兰特 {toefl gre :6697}

shack [ʃæk] n. 棚屋;小室 vi. 居住 {gre :7290}

pancake [ˈpænkeɪk] n. 薄烤饼;粉饼;平降(全称pancake landing) vt. 使平坠著陆;使平展 vi. 平坠着陆;平展 {zk gk :7331}

youthful [ˈju:θfl] adj. 年轻的;早期的 {cet4 cet6 :7434}

doomed [dʊmd] adj. 注定的;命定的 v. 注定;宣判(doom的过去分词) { :7469}

interstate [ˈɪntəsteɪt] n. (美)州际公路 adj. 州际的;州与州之间的 { :7500}

bruise [bru:z] n. 擦伤;挫伤;青肿 vt. 使受瘀伤;使受挫伤 vi. 擦伤;受伤 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7621}

brighten [ˈbraɪtn] vt. 使闪亮;使生辉;使快乐高兴 vi. 明亮;变亮;活跃;快乐高兴 n. (Brighten)人名;(英)布赖滕 {cet4 toefl :7814}

paperback [ˈpeɪpəbæk] n. 平装本;廉价本 adj. 纸面装订的;纸面平装本书籍的 vt. 以平装本出版 {ky :7936}

sympathize [ˈsɪmpəθaɪz] vi. 同情,怜悯;支持 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl :11121}

plumber [ˈplʌmə(r)] n. 水管工;堵漏人员 {ky toefl gre :11659}

millie [ˈmili] n. 米莉(Mildred的昵称,亦作Milly) (f.) { :13453}

hysterics [hɪˈsterɪks] n. 歇斯底里症的发作;发疯 { :24891}

aaagh [ ] [网络] 啊哈

morty [ˈmɔ:ti] n. 莫蒂(Morton的异体)(m.)

wanna [ˈwɒnə] vt. 想要(等于want to)

A chain [ ] 一条链子 一个链条 一系列

a plumber [ ] [网络] 水管工;管道工;一个水管工

bitch about [ ] [网络] 说坏话;发牢骚;抱怨

burn up [bə:n ʌp] na. 烧完;旺起来;使恼怒;发怒 [网络] 烧起来;烧尽;烧光

the mob [ðə mɔb] [网络] 暴徒;暴民;美国黑帮

i mean

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用